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Monday 28 September 2015

Motivational Monday | Fight The Fear

Ok.. So, I'm sure at some point in our lives, we have been afraid of something and this can be anything big or small, from spiders to heights but the key is, to not let it control your life. I know in some situations fear can become quite controlling but, surround yourself with good, positive thinking and supportive people and hopefully they'll help keep you grounded and help to make you feel safe.

Goal: Not really a weekly goal but, a life lesson in general.. Don't let fear control you and if you feel like it's getting a bit much, just talk about it and I promise you'll feel so much better after talking about it and just keep telling yourself every feeling is temporary, don't let it fester and don't let the fear 'decide your fate'.

Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


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