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Sunday 6 September 2015

Life Update Sunday | Reflecting On... THE BEST SUMMER SO FAR!

Hello Everyone,

For those that have been following me around this summer, will know that it has definitely been a great one! Even though, I didn't actually get the chance to go on a summer holiday, I managed to have just as good of a time here in Cornwall! So, here's my top 7 highlights of summer..

1) The start of my summer had to have been 'Tunes In The Dunes', which was just AMAZING! I got to meet and hang out with Andy Jordan, see Tom Odell perform LIVE and spend some time with my buddy Nicole.

2) FOXES FOXES FOXES!! If you didn't already know.. I SAW FOXES LIVE!! If you hadn't already gathered this is the singer foxes, not actual foxes! I've been in love with her music for years, she is one of my favourite artists out there and I am super super excited for her next album. During the summer, she played at The Watering Hole in Perranporth, I went with my good friend Ryan and it was one of the BEST NIGHTS EVER!! I love her sooo much!!

3) I went back to Feock. This is a little village in Cornwall where I spent a lot of my childhood as my Grandparents lived there. This was just a really lovely experience as I thought before going, I'm gunna get lost, I won't know where I'm going etc, I honestly thought I had forgotten what Feock even looked liked! Then the second I got there, the memories came flashing back, it was just the perfect day! I even had a mini photoshoot on the beach, so I'll never forget that experience.

4) Seeing Andy Jordan perform.. again! Later on in July, Andy played another set at The Watering Hole, which he nailed and I'm sure by now you would have all seen the pictures! I got to hang out with him backstage, spend time with my cousin Marcus and of course Nicole too. We took loads of pictures and I even vlogged a little. It was just a perfect day, really chilled and the weather was on point!


5) Filming my Summer Lookbook! This was definitely one of the top highlights of my summer! I love filming lookbooks as so much time and effort goes into making them and every time I do, the outcome is just amazing, these are definitely my favourite type of videos to film and edit! I loved it even more as I got to film in St Ives, which makes a change to Truro and even though the day didn't go completely to plan, I still enjoyed it, the outcome really made everything worth it! Not to mention, I also got to see Andy Jordan again, as he was in the area with his clothing business Jam Industries, so it was good to see him again!


6) Going to the fragrance conference! Even though this was for work, I loved getting the chance to get out of Cornwall even if it was only for one night and experience something different outside of my comfort zone. It definitely pushed me at times and was stressful but, looking back I'm soo happy I did it! To find out more about the conference, check out the blog post I did about it earlier in the week -->

7) Gay pride! This was just the perfect end to my summer! Last week, it was gay pride in Truro, there was a carnival and an after party in the town and it was just amazing! My friend Roland, who is also a blogger, performed as his drag act Roxie Moran, he blew everyone away with his performance, he was so amazing! Then after pride, I met up with some mates and we went to a few nightclubs and then had pizza at like 2am in the morning, it was just a great night!

Well, there you have it! That's what I got up to this summer, I honestly haven't stopped what with my day job taking up a lot of my time and gallivanting around. Let me know your highlights of your summer in the comments! I look forward to reading them!

Speak To You Soon!

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