A few weeks ago I gave my blog a complete makeover (as I'm sure
you've noticed) and I also changed my name. This has been something
I've been thinking about doing for so long and I really wanted it to
be perfect. So I searched high and low to find a new design and logo
that I was soo passionate about and something I really loved, which I
have found now.
In terms of changing the name it was hard decision for me as the
'MHNblog', 'MHNchatter', 'MHNmusic', 'MHNvlogs' ect, really brought
my brand to life, so adding 'The Lost Wolves' into the mix, I thought
would be confusing at first but I really love it!
The concept of 'We Are The Lost Wolves', is a quote from a song I
wrote a few years ago. The song represents all of the outcasts coming
together putting their stamp on society, something which I feel very
passionate about. As a representative of the younger generation, it
is often that our voice and opinions are overlooked, so by creating
Blogs, YouTube channels and using other social media outlets to speak
our opinions, our voice is slowly starting to be heard and I love it!
Wow, just got all political then... Anyway, I hope you love my new
Blog design as much as I do!
Thanks for reading!
Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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