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Thursday 3 September 2015

Throwback Thursday | My First Day At Secondary School

Hello Everyone!

I don't know if you remember from my last #ThrowbackThursday - that I went on the hunt for some serious throwback pics and came across some classics on an old SD card, well once again... the SD card has delivered! Check out 11 year old me on the morning of my first day at secondary school...

Here I am posing in my new school uniform...

Here's me being super cute and pretending to be camera shy...

Here's my mum being super sneaky and super soppy taking pictures of me going into the car...
I honestly get knots in my stomach just thinking about my first day at 'big girl' school and I really feel for those that are going back to school this week, or that are also starting 'big girl/boy' school. I remember being super nervous and being super anxious. I constantly over thought everything! I thought that I wasn't going to be smart enough, or that I didn't have the right hairstyle, or I wasn't wearing my uniform the 'cool way' (you know what I mean), just general ergh.. but the one good thing about 'back to school time', was yes, you probably guessed it.. the stationary!!! September is one of my favourite times of year just because, I really enjoy grocery shopping and I love going into my local Sainsbury's (other supermarkets are available) and just walking in and seeing all things back to school! My favourite things to buy were pencil cases, highlighters, rubbers (erasers for all my American readers) and those thin line stabilo pens!
I hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane, I'll speak to you tomorrow!

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