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Thursday 1 October 2015

Throwback Thursday | Jake Bugg LIVE 2013

Hello Everyone,

This week I'm throwing back to an AMAZING evening, I had a couple of years ago, when I saw Jake Bugg live at Plymouth Pavilions.

Before I went to the concert, I actually hadn't heard much of his music before but, what I had heard I really liked!! If you don't know who Jake Bugg is then, firstly, where have you been? Secondly, he's a indie/folk/country singer from Clifton. The thing that drew me to his music was his powerful voice and his song writing ability. When I saw him performing live, I just remember feeling really inspired, I wanted to be a country singer, still do in a way and I kept thinking about how much I would love to perform on that stage. His opening act was a country band called Honey Honey, who I had never heard of until that evening, when I got home I started researching them and listening to more of their music and I'm honestly obsessed with them!! But that's another blog post, so I'll stop there. Overall, Jake Bugg is amazing live, honey honey band are great and I want to be a country singer!

Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses,

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