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Saturday 15 September 2018

staying strong

I've been giving people blank stares. I've been living my life in a body, that's sometimes feels like a prison. The last few months have been challenging both physically and mentally. I've been put into situations that I didn't think I'd be put into. I've felt pressure more than ever before and at times I've felt completely out of control of my life. I lost my way for a little while. I distanced myself from the people that care about me and caused more damage in the process. Today I woke up with a new perspective and I hope this feeling doesn't fade away too soon. 

A few things I've learnt..

1. When people show concern or try and help you.. let them help you instead of pushing them away. Even though you might feel like you have everything under control, you might not and they might see something that you can't.

2. Loneliness is brutal but the pain that you're feeling now won't last forever. 

3. When people give you a compliment, wear it like a badge of honor. They're not trying to tear you down, only lift your spirits.

4. If your heart is telling you something.. its probably right and you should follow your instincts, even though it may cause pain temporarily.

5. Start communicating with the people around you when your not feeling well. Your only human, everyone has an off day.

You can't predict what each day will bring. Some days you'll have no control over things that happen but, that doesn't mean it's your fault and you have to take a hold of that responsibility. Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes. Hold your head high, start conversations, help end the stigma. It's called staying strong.

{huge thanks to Barnett Photo Studios for taking these pictures}


1 comment

  1. Very deep words. No one knows how we are feeling except ourselves, but staring a conversation, as you say, is often good.


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