Fashion - Beauty - Lifestyle

Monday 17 September 2018


The last few months for me, my schedule has been crazy busy. I've been overworked, exhausted and even developed anemia because I wasn't taking care of myself. Sometimes when I feel lonely I look for distractions and I end up taking on more work then I need to. I struggle to say 'no' to opportunities, even if it means taking up all of my free time. Don't get me wrong, I'm never ungrateful for the opportunities that come my way, I just don't know when to stop. There often comes a point when everything builds up and I'm overwhelmed with anxiety. 

Finding balance has taken some time and I think I've finally cracked it. Before hand I'd work all day, go to the gym, come home, go through emails, plan my schedule and go through everything I need to prepare for what I'm up to and before I'd know it, it would be 12am and I'd have 6 hours before I'd have to get up and do it all again the next day. Now I work all day, go to the gym, spend 1 hour going through schedules, watch an episode on Netflix to un wind (currently watching Once Upon A Time) and then go to bed by 10pm. I find by getting a good night sleep I'm able to preserve my energy for my other commitments and spending less times planning means I'm not taking on too much as well.


When planning my schedule I'm trying not to over do things. If I know I have a busy week coming up, I'll allow myself some down time either side of that week. So I can recharge my batteries and un wind. Whereas before it would be constant go, go, go.

Instead of stressing and constantly thinking 'what if', I let my emotions out. If I'm worried about something I'll speak to the person involved with the project direct, ask questions and let them know how I'm feeling. They're there to support me and bring out the best in me not tear me down. 

Everyday I'm learning. For months I've been living in a constant cycle of overdoing things and getting sick and I'd have people say to me 'you need a break' but every time I'd ignore it. Now I'm finally listening.

{Huge thanks to Barnett Photo Studios for taking these pictures}


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