So, as 2014 is coming to a close, I've been looking back at this past year and trying to make sense of it all in my head. When I look back on 2014, I can't really believe the things that I've achieved. I did some charity work at the beginning of the year, finished my apprenticeship and then got a promotion, I started learning to drive, I re-started my YouTube channel and started my very first blog, which I'm really passionate about! I also turned 18, welcomed a new family member into the world and got signed off of therapy, after 5 years (on and off). I should look back on 2014 and be proud of the things, I've accomplished but, for some reason I'm not really feeling it. The past year has had it's rough moments and I've have been put into position were I have had to be a bit more grown up, which was pretty scary.
Going into 2015, I want to just be happy and appreciate every moment. 2015, should be the year where we just don't care about people's opinion and just shake off the bad times and welcome in the good.
My 2015 New Year's Resolutions!
- Pass my driving license. I can't wait to do this and gain more freedom.
- Continue with YouTube and my Blog. This is something I want to make a priority in 2015, once my work schedule is settled, I'm going to make a schedule and hopefully upload weekly.
- Record an EP. I've been writing for this for years and now it's finally done! I'm so ready to get a team together and just hit up the studio!
- Get fitter. I'm not doing this to lose weight but, just get fitter. I'm really interested in taking up yoga or joining a gym.
- Be more open! This is something I really struggle with but, now I've finished my therapy sessions and I'm slowly starting to cope with my anxiety. I really want to just be more honest and open with people about my feelings and ask for help if I need it.
Happy New Year to you all, hope it's a good one! Comment below
your New Years Resolutions, I'd love to hear them! I'm going to leave
you today with this quote...
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