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Sunday 27 August 2017

Coming Out At Cornwall Pride 2017?

Pride means so many things to different people. To me pride means embracing who you are and not feeling ashamed. For the last few years I've been thinking a lot about my own sexuality. I was looking for a label I felt comfortable with but, why? Why should I categorize myself to make it easier for other people to understand me? Why can't I just live my life, date and fall in love with who I want?.. I honestly can't think of a decent reason, so I'm just going to do that. At the... end of the day, if I fall in love with a guy, I fall in love with a guy, if I fall in love with a girl, I fall in love with a girl... or you know anyone in between. All I want in life is to be happy and to be loved. If it makes it easier for you to call me bi or pan or queer, then go right ahead. All I am today is proud to be apart of the lgbtq community. 

How amazing would it be if in the future coming out wasn't a big deal? And prejudice and lack of acceptance against lgbtq people, just went away? Well that's why we need Pride, especially Cornwall Pride. I've lived in Cornwall all my life and whenever I go outside of Cornwall to places like London or Plymouth or Brighton, lgbtq people are more accepted and celebrated in a way, I feel like Cornwall is so much further behind the rest of the country and I feel like lgbtq is something that's swept under the carpet and isn't spoken about, like hey we exist here too! But that's just my opinion. Cornwall Pride 2017, was bright, bold and beautiful and I was so happy to be apart of it. Talking about Pride in Cornwall will hopefully help people come a little bit closer over that line, to becoming a more accepting place.       


1 comment

  1. I think your Amazing!! I think your so inspirational!! I wish you would notice me the way I noticed you... I would treat you like a princess.. tell you everyday how amazing you are... wish we could be more than strangers..


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